

O Curso tem o intuito de oferecer o ensino das estruturas linguísticas básicas da Língua Inglesa. Levando o aluno a desenvolver as quatro habilidades fundamentais para a aquisição de segunda língua, ler, escrever, escutar e falar.


Carga Horária


120 horas/aulas




Professor da rede pública ou particular, vinculado às escolas de educação básica de Ensino


Conteúdo Programático


Módulo I – Introdução a EaD

Unidade I – Educação a Distância

Unidade II – Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVACED)


Módulo II – Me and the others

Unidade I Speaking (Introduce yourself, ask your classmate´s name)

Unidade II Grammar (Personal Pronouns, Verb To Be in the affirmative and interrogative form) –

Unidade IIIVocabulary (Countries, cities, states, occupations, numbers from 0 to 100)

Unidade IVListening – Identify people´s personal information

Unidade VReading – Read about people´s personal information


Módulo III – Family Members

Unidade ISpeaking – Describe your family

Unidade IIGrammar –The possessive´s, Verb To Be in the negative

Unidade IIIVocabulary – Family Members

Unidade IVListening – Listen about a family

Unidade VReading – Read about your family


Módulo IV – What does he look like?

Unidade I Speaking – Talk about people´s names, nationalities and occupation, talk about appearance, ask and answer about people´s possessions

Unidade IIGrammar – Possessive adjectives, Demonstratives, Possessive Pronouns

Unidade IIIVocabulary – Words for describing people, common objects –

Unidade IVListening – Listen about people´s possession

Unidade V Reading – Read a dialogue about people´s possession


Módulo V – The Lost backpack

Unidade I Speaking – Ask and answer about objects in a bag

Unidade IIGrammar – There to Be in the affirmative, negative and interrogative form, Some and any

Unidade IIIVocabulary – Common Objects

Unidade VIListening – Listen and complete a dialogue

Unidade V Reading – Read a dialogue about what is in a backpack, Match questions and answers, Read and answer questions about an email